Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Headline Says it All: "Newest Spa Splurge: Vaginal Steaming"

Uh... No comment on this one. The title says it all:

"Newest Spa Splurge: Vaginal Steaming"

From The Times Live:

US media outlets and bloggers are aflutter after a December 20th The Los Angeles Times report on the newest trend to hit the California coast: vaginal steam bathing.

An ancient Korean tradition and widely available in spas in Korea and Japan, it's being touted as a cure for everything from low energy to infertility. Problem is, there is no evidence it actually works.
Western spas have long been heavily influenced by Asia, both in the style of their treatments and décor, with Thai massage, acupuncture, and Ayurvedic medicine popular trends in spas around the globe. But now Western spa-goers are willing to pay around €38 to squat over a pot of steaming mugwort tea (blended with wormwood and other herbs) in a treatment known as chai-yok. The woman is usually seated above the pot over an open bench that allows the steam to rise and make contact with the vaginal area.
According to Korean medicine, the steam baths help treat stress, fight infections, clear hemorrhoids, regulate menstrual cycles, and aid infertility. Niki Han Schwartz, owner of Tikkun Holistic Spa in Santa Monica, California, told The Los Angeles Times that vaginal steam baths helped her get pregnant at the age of 45 after only five steams....
She got pregnant after only 5 steams!? Don't even get me started on that one!

Thanks to News on Japan for the, er, "Hot" tip!

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