Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year 2011!
Happy New Year 2011 - the Year of the Rabbit!
In Japan, people eat Oseichi ryori on New Year's. (It's a custom kind of like eating turkey on Christmas!)
From Wikipedia:
Osechi-ryōri (御節料理 or お節料理) are traditional Japanese New Year foods. The tradition started in the Heian Period (794-1185). Osechiare easily recognizable by their special boxes called jūbako, which resemble bentō boxes. Like bentō boxes, jūbako are often kept stacked before and after use.
People (like me) also start drinking on New Year's from the morning too! So, cheers! Here's a photo of our Oseichi Ryori (sorry, when I remembered to take he photo, we had already eaten some of it.)
Happy New Year!
In Japan, people eat Oseichi ryori on New Year's. (It's a custom kind of like eating turkey on Christmas!)
From Wikipedia:
Osechi-ryōri (御節料理 or お節料理) are traditional Japanese New Year foods. The tradition started in the Heian Period (794-1185). Osechiare easily recognizable by their special boxes called jūbako, which resemble bentō boxes. Like bentō boxes, jūbako are often kept stacked before and after use.
People (like me) also start drinking on New Year's from the morning too! So, cheers! Here's a photo of our Oseichi Ryori (sorry, when I remembered to take he photo, we had already eaten some of it.)
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year 2011! From the Next US President! Hilarious!
This is hilarious.... Just when you were hoping the new year might bring in a change from the surly 900 lb. drunk and belligerent gorilla in the room, they step up to the plate and deliver. We're doomed! How could anybody be stupider than Bush? Or think there are 57 states like Obama? Well, read on...
The Guardian reports:
Next US president?
The Guardian reports:
Sarah Palin: 'We've got to stand with our North Korean allies'
Interviewer: How would you handle a situation like the one that just developed in North Korea?
Palin: Well, North Korea, this is stemming from a greater problem, when we're all sitting around asking, 'Oh no, what are we going to do,' and we're not having a lot of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do. So this speaks to a bigger picture that certainly scares me in terms of our national security policy. But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies – we're bound to by treaty....
Interviewer: South Korean.
Palin: Yes, and we're also bound by prudence to stand with our South Korean allies, yes.
Thank to What Really Happened
Palin: Well, North Korea, this is stemming from a greater problem, when we're all sitting around asking, 'Oh no, what are we going to do,' and we're not having a lot of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do. So this speaks to a bigger picture that certainly scares me in terms of our national security policy. But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies – we're bound to by treaty....
Interviewer: South Korean.
Palin: Yes, and we're also bound by prudence to stand with our South Korean allies, yes.
Thank to What Really Happened
H A P P Y - N E W - Y E A R
feliz año nuevo
ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος
gelukkige nuwe jaar
سنة جديدة سعيدة
Yeni iliniz mübarək
з Новым годам
Щастлива Нова година!
feliç any nou
sretna nova godina
šťastný nový rok
godt nytår
gelukkig nieuw jaar
head uut aastat
masaya bagong taon
onnellista uutta vuotta
heureuse nouvelle année
feliz ano novo
გილოცავთ ახალ წელს
glückliches neues Jahr
kontan ane nouvo
שנה טובה ומבורכת
नया साल मुबारक हो
Boldog új évet
Gleðilegt nýtt ár
bahagia tahun baru
bhliain nua sásta
felice anno nuovo
새해 복 많이
laimīgu Jauno gadu
laimingų Naujųjų metų
godt nytt år
szczęśliwego nowego roku
feliz ano novo
an nou fericit
с Новым годом
Срећна Нова Година
šťastný nový rok
mutlu yeni yılchúc mừng năm mới
Traditional New Year's Eve in Japan
New Year's Eve in Japan is called, "Oomisoka" and the typical Japanese family will get together and eat what is called "Toshikoshi soba" at night.
2011 is the Year of the Rabbit
Toshikoshi soba is much like regular soba except the noodles are longer - and I eat them sitting down - not like my usual "Tachigui soba" (standing and eating soba).
The custom of Toshikoshi soba was started in Shimo-Kitazawa in Tokyo during the Edo period about 150 years ago.
The reasons for eating soba on New Year's eve are generally thought of as:
a) One strand of soba is long so eating it represents a long life
b) Soba is easy to cut so biting off one strand of soba represents cutting off the last year and the misfortune that came along with it.
b) One more reason is that, long ago, craftsmen who used silver and gold for making art and wares would have to gather up the gold and silver dust from the floors of their shops. Raw soba was used like a sort of putty to pick up the gold dust. Once the dust was picked up, the soba was boiled or cooked and the gold and silver dust were easily separated from the soba.
Some families will eat the soba while listening to the bells ringing in nearby temples all around Japan. The bell ringing on New Year's Eve is called, "Joya no Kane" and the bells will ring 108 times before midnight. In Buddhist religion, the bells ringing 108 times represent all 108 of human desires. By ringing the bells once for each desire, we can cleanse our hearts and souls and head into the new year free and clean from our worldly desires that keep us from the higher ground.
Toshikoshi soba and crab... Ummmm!
I wish you all could share in a taste of our soba and enjoy health and a long life. But, since our technology hasn't gotten advanced enough for me to send you soba over the Internet, here is a photo of Toshikoshi soba for New Year's Eve Dec. 31, 2010 and here's a video of the bells ringing:
Also, as I mentioned, 2011 is the Year of the Rabbit. Here's some info on that for you!
If you are interested in Feng Shui and how you can use the ancient Chinese art of design and decoration to increase your luck and happiness in 2011, read this.
For Chinese Horoscope:
General predictions for the Year of the Rabbit
The year of the Rabbit is traditionally associated with home and family, artistic pursuits, diplomacy, and keeping the peace. Therefore, 2011 is very likely to be a relatively calmer one than 2010 both on the world scene, as well as on a personal level.
Conversely, nations will also become more insular and increasingly lock down their borders to protect against the "other". However, 2011 will also see new art movements projecting a distinct national identity taking the world by storm. Shrewd and creative new business partnerships will also form to the benefit of all.
Rabbits who thrive on delicate business dealings are best suited to navigating the year ahead. Those compatible with the Rabbit — the Sheep, Dog and Pig in particular — will also find 2011's circumstances inspiring them to greater personal happiness and professional success.
Others will suffer, by degree, depending on how flexible they are to the world mood. Those who have cultivated careful negotiation skills (or, perhaps more importantly, can sniff-out and swiftly dodge dangerous situations!), may attain similar good luck enjoyed by rabbits and those compatible with them in 2011.
For more specific information and learn more about what the omens are for your future in the New Year, check out Your Chinese Horoscope for 2011 and find out what else the animals of fortune predict for you in 2011.
Happy New Year of the Rabbit 2011!
New Year's Eve,
Tachigui soba,
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Kawasaki Shrine Starts Selling Daruma for 2011!
Kawasaki Shrine that sees over 4 million visitors every New Year's holiday has started selling Daruma dolls.
Daruma dolls are sold to people for luck and good fortune... They are Buddhism's sort of "Goal" setters for companies and personal acheivements.
Dharma doll, is a hollow, round, Japanese doll modeled after Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism. These dolls, though typically red and depicting a bearded man (Dharma), vary greatly in color and design depending on region and artist. Though considered an omocha, meaning toy, Daruma has a design that is rich in symbolism and is regarded more as a talisman of good luck to the Japanese. Daruma dolls are seen as a symbol of perseverance and good luck, making them a popular gift of encouragement. The doll has also been commercialized by many Buddhist temples to use alongside goal setting.
People usually color in the left eye with a black pen and then, when the year ends, if their goals were achieved, they have a celebration and color in the right eye....
My Predictions for 2011
Well, my friends, it's almost 2011 so I guess I need to start a new tradition for myself: My predictions for the next year.
I used to do silly stuff like make New Year's Resolutions, but, they never worked so I wound up looking stupid, so I shan't be delving into resolution's no more. Why make resolutions to never drink again when I am drunk and feeling poorly?
But, hey! With all the pundits and trends reporters running around these days, I thought I'd make a name for myself by making my Top 10 Predictions of 2011.
Now, these won't be easy predictions... Anyone can make a silly guess like "I predict a war in the Middle East sometime in 2011..." Yawn! Now, how in the world will I become a world famous prognosticator with silly predictions like that? Nope. I believe in going for the gusto so my predictions will be exact... None of this mealy-mouth whining later on!
Ready? Strap yourself into your seats and fasten those seats belts, because here are my
#10 There is absolutely no mistake about my predictions for next year's #10 and #9. Lucky you! Get ready to make some money! In 2011, price of gold will hit $1,512 an ounce (USD) by Valentine's Day (Feb. 14) 2011. It will end the year (Dec. 29) at $1,879.*
Holy Sh*t! I'm buying more silver!
#9 Silver will really kick butt in 2011. Look for silver at $52.18 an ounce by Dec. 29, 2011
#8) You know how famous people and Hollywood stars always die in three's? Well, a new trend will start this year. Fidel Castro and North Korea's Kim Jung Il will both kick the bucket at about the same time as each other in 2011. I figure the date to be about May 22.
In Castro's case, nothing will change on how Cuba will be handled - except for Castro's breathing and food intake. Whether Castro is there or not, Cuba will be vilified and used as a boot-boy by the imperialist USA who needs all the enemies it can get to support the military industrial complex.
In North Korea's case, Kim Jung Il's death will bring in turmoil and the next son in line for leadership will be booted out by some disgruntled generals and the entire house of cards will collapse - to everyone's chagrin - by Nov. 12, 2011...
#7) US president Barack Obama will end a supposed 9 months of cigarette abstinence by celebrating the New Year with booze and cigarettes. His first celebratory cigarette will actually be before New Year's as, while drunk and stumbling in the White house hallway he'll think, "God, I'd love a Marlboro!" and, he'll have one... Yes, this event will actually happen in 2010, but when you're pissed drunk and the president of the United States of America, who's counting?
What does this have to do with Japan? Nothing excepting there will be 1.2 million Japanese guys who quit cigarettes in 2010 only to come to the same conclusion on New Year's Eve that Obama does.
#6) Japan's economy will continue to tank and the deflationary trend will proceed and pick up great speed. Current Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan will resign for making innumerable mistakes and a new election will be held on June 4th and the Japanese will elect the next prime minister who, in a great Japanese tradition, will make even more mistakes than the idiot he just replaced. Score: Japan Government Wonks: 138 - Japanese Average Joe 0.
#5) Toyota Motor Corporation who recalled 10 million cars in 2010, will have an even better year in 2011 by recalling 12 million cars!
#4) JAL (Japan Airlines) will finally throw in the towel and put themselves (and the public) out of our misery by Oct. 14, 2011 and declare bankruptcy. Finally! Hello All Nippon Airways!
(As an aside note, due to these sorts of news stories, bloggers like me, who need all the readers they can get, will always use these chances to upload cheesecake photos like the one below...See my former article: Why Write a Blog?)
#3) Manny Pacquiao will continue to dominate the boxing world by kicking the holy hell outta everybody. Floyd Mayweather will continue to be afraid of fighting the Pac-Man. Pacquiao will fight Shane Moseley sometime at the start of May, 2011. Pacquiao will win the fight.
In spite of the victory, no one will be able to spell Pacquioa, Pauqciaou, or whatever his name is, correctly without looking it up in an online dictionary by December 15th, 2011.
#2) One of Tokyo's big 5 FM radio stations, that is losing more than $1 million (USD) a year, will be put on sale by December 17, 2011. With no buyers, it will go into insolvency by August of 2012. But that's a story for another year... The next one to be exact.
#1) Major US banks like Bank of America and JP Morgan will go bankrupt on Sept. 11, 2011... Several Major Japanese banks will be in big trouble too... Especially Mizuho Bank.
Weird, eh? the timing...
Well, that's it. Nothing too earth shaking, I'd say... But, next year at this time, when all 10 of my predictions come true and on the exact date predicted, then you'll all be the first to sign up for my new newsletter called, "Mike Roger's Trends".... An annual subscription will only cost $250 (US) and it will be chock full of tips on how you can make money in the next year by conning suckers.
Also, it's not numbered, but, mark my words, my friends, keep a positive attitude and 2011 will be the best year, so far, of our lives. Read more on that here.
Until then....
* = prices subject to change and may vary depending on the stupidity of the government
I used to do silly stuff like make New Year's Resolutions, but, they never worked so I wound up looking stupid, so I shan't be delving into resolution's no more. Why make resolutions to never drink again when I am drunk and feeling poorly?
But, hey! With all the pundits and trends reporters running around these days, I thought I'd make a name for myself by making my Top 10 Predictions of 2011.
Now, these won't be easy predictions... Anyone can make a silly guess like "I predict a war in the Middle East sometime in 2011..." Yawn! Now, how in the world will I become a world famous prognosticator with silly predictions like that? Nope. I believe in going for the gusto so my predictions will be exact... None of this mealy-mouth whining later on!
Ready? Strap yourself into your seats and fasten those seats belts, because here are my
#10 There is absolutely no mistake about my predictions for next year's #10 and #9. Lucky you! Get ready to make some money! In 2011, price of gold will hit $1,512 an ounce (USD) by Valentine's Day (Feb. 14) 2011. It will end the year (Dec. 29) at $1,879.*
Holy Sh*t! I'm buying more silver!
#9 Silver will really kick butt in 2011. Look for silver at $52.18 an ounce by Dec. 29, 2011
Me and the boys telling fortunes near the station at $12 a pop.
#8) You know how famous people and Hollywood stars always die in three's? Well, a new trend will start this year. Fidel Castro and North Korea's Kim Jung Il will both kick the bucket at about the same time as each other in 2011. I figure the date to be about May 22.
In Castro's case, nothing will change on how Cuba will be handled - except for Castro's breathing and food intake. Whether Castro is there or not, Cuba will be vilified and used as a boot-boy by the imperialist USA who needs all the enemies it can get to support the military industrial complex.
In North Korea's case, Kim Jung Il's death will bring in turmoil and the next son in line for leadership will be booted out by some disgruntled generals and the entire house of cards will collapse - to everyone's chagrin - by Nov. 12, 2011...
#7) US president Barack Obama will end a supposed 9 months of cigarette abstinence by celebrating the New Year with booze and cigarettes. His first celebratory cigarette will actually be before New Year's as, while drunk and stumbling in the White house hallway he'll think, "God, I'd love a Marlboro!" and, he'll have one... Yes, this event will actually happen in 2010, but when you're pissed drunk and the president of the United States of America, who's counting?
What does this have to do with Japan? Nothing excepting there will be 1.2 million Japanese guys who quit cigarettes in 2010 only to come to the same conclusion on New Year's Eve that Obama does.
#6) Japan's economy will continue to tank and the deflationary trend will proceed and pick up great speed. Current Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan will resign for making innumerable mistakes and a new election will be held on June 4th and the Japanese will elect the next prime minister who, in a great Japanese tradition, will make even more mistakes than the idiot he just replaced. Score: Japan Government Wonks: 138 - Japanese Average Joe 0.
#5) Toyota Motor Corporation who recalled 10 million cars in 2010, will have an even better year in 2011 by recalling 12 million cars!
#4) JAL (Japan Airlines) will finally throw in the towel and put themselves (and the public) out of our misery by Oct. 14, 2011 and declare bankruptcy. Finally! Hello All Nippon Airways!
(As an aside note, due to these sorts of news stories, bloggers like me, who need all the readers they can get, will always use these chances to upload cheesecake photos like the one below...See my former article: Why Write a Blog?)
Blogger's rendition of the perfect stewardess
#3) Manny Pacquiao will continue to dominate the boxing world by kicking the holy hell outta everybody. Floyd Mayweather will continue to be afraid of fighting the Pac-Man. Pacquiao will fight Shane Moseley sometime at the start of May, 2011. Pacquiao will win the fight.
In spite of the victory, no one will be able to spell Pacquioa, Pauqciaou, or whatever his name is, correctly without looking it up in an online dictionary by December 15th, 2011.
#2) One of Tokyo's big 5 FM radio stations, that is losing more than $1 million (USD) a year, will be put on sale by December 17, 2011. With no buyers, it will go into insolvency by August of 2012. But that's a story for another year... The next one to be exact.
#1) Major US banks like Bank of America and JP Morgan will go bankrupt on Sept. 11, 2011... Several Major Japanese banks will be in big trouble too... Especially Mizuho Bank.
Weird, eh? the timing...
Well, that's it. Nothing too earth shaking, I'd say... But, next year at this time, when all 10 of my predictions come true and on the exact date predicted, then you'll all be the first to sign up for my new newsletter called, "Mike Roger's Trends".... An annual subscription will only cost $250 (US) and it will be chock full of tips on how you can make money in the next year by conning suckers.
Also, it's not numbered, but, mark my words, my friends, keep a positive attitude and 2011 will be the best year, so far, of our lives. Read more on that here.
Until then....
* = prices subject to change and may vary depending on the stupidity of the government
11 Things You Should Resolve Not to Do at Work in 2011
11 Things You Should Resolve Not to Do at Work in 2011
By Megan Malugani, Monster Contributing Writer
The new year is a perfect time to say “hello” to workplace happiness and “good-bye” to the bad habits that make you miserable and hinder your professional success. You’ll enjoy your time in the office a little more -- and improve your professional reputation -- if you make it your New Year’s resolution to cut down on these 11 counterproductive behaviors:1. Excessive Complaining
Enough already. Constant whining about insignificant things (“It’s horribly unfair that Department X got a casual day and we didn’t!”) doesn’t serve a purpose and keeps you in a perpetually bad mood. Plus, happy people will avoid you.
2. Gossiping
Ditto for gossiping. The next time a colleague tries to engage you in the office drama du jour, offer a one-word response, like “interesting” or “wow,” and follow it with, “I’ve got to go. See you later.” Repeat as necessary.
3. Heartlessly Criticizing Others
Sometimes you must criticize a colleague’s or subordinate’s performance. But have a heart when doing so. If possible, mention a few positives for every negative, and try to be constructive rather than cruel.
4. Beating Yourself Up
So you made a mistake, or your brilliant idea actually turned out to be a bad one. No one is perfect. Own up to your mistake, or take responsibility for your failure. Then move on.
5. Taking Yourself Too Seriously
C’mon, lighten up. Admittedly, this may be tough for overworked employees in a difficult labor market. But that is precisely the reason to flash those pearly whites and crack a joke now and then (even of the “gallows humor” variety): Everyone benefits when the tension is brought down a notch, even for just a minute.
6. Stagnating
Are you content to be bored at work? Do you want your boss to consider you uninspired? Probably not. So make it a resolution to learn something new or try something different in 2011.
7. Isolating Yourself
In today’s topsy-turvy job market, professional networking is more important than ever. So this year, don’t hole up in your cubicle. Get out there and meet some new folks -- both inside and outside the company -- who share your profession or work in your field.
8. Blending into the Woodwork
Even if you’ve always had a hard time speaking up in meetings or expressing your opinion to your boss, it’s never too late to start putting in your two cents. Pick one work-related issue that is close to your heart and that you’re knowledgeable about. Contribute a few comments on this issue during a meeting -- you may be surprised at how seriously people take the input of someone who speaks sparingly!
9. Blabbing Unnecessarily
Stating your mind is important, but don’t just talk to hear your own voice in meetings, either. Speak up only if you’re adding something of value to the discussion.
10. Burning Bridges
Don’t assume that colleagues, customers and others who cross your professional path will forgive and forget when you do them wrong. So make it one of your resolutions in 2011 to stay on good terms with your professional acquaintances. Yes, it’s sometimes hard, but oh-so-worth-it in the long run.
11. Wasting Time Via Social Media
Wasting time at work is as old as work itself. But a particularly timely pet peeve of many bosses is the overuse and/or misuse of Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media. Alas, this final resolution -- to curb your social media addiction -- may not make you happier at work in the short term, but it will protect you professionally in the long term.
Tommy Hilfiger Bags
Hilfiger was born and raised in Elmira, New York. The second of nine children, he grew up in an Irish-American family; he claims direct descent from Scottish poet Robert Burns. His parents originally intended for him to be an engineer. He attended Elmira Free Academy for high school. Rather than furthering his education, he started to work in retail at the age of 18. Hilfiger would go to New York City to buy jeans and bell-bottom pants, which he customized and resold at a local downtown Elmira store, Brown's.
He later opened his own store, named The People's Place, around the block in downtown Elmira. Although the store was a hot spot for teens with frequent contests and live DJ appearances, there were often more people hanging out than shopping. Over the years, a number of stores closed in downtown Elmira as shopping traffic shifted to the new Arnot Mall in Horseheads, New York. It wasn't long before The People's Place became another casualty. After seven years, The People's Place went bankrupt, when Hilfiger was 25. The site of the original store has since been demolished to make room for First Arena, home of the Elmira Jackals Hockey team.
A Tommy Hilfiger shop In 1989, a Hong Kong businessman Silas Chou acquired Tommy Hilfiger Corporation via Sportswear Holdings Limited, along with his partner Lawrence Stroll. Chou served as Chairman and then Co-Chairman from 1989 to 2002. In 1992, The Corporation listed in New York Stock Exchange. Later Chou sold the company, and in 2006 de-listed and privatization to Apax Partners. Phillips-Van Heusen bought the company in 2010.
Currently the company licensed the brand to it OEM company though its subsidiary Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC, which based in New Jersey. The Licensing owned the rights of the logo. Currently The Corporation also own Tommy Hilfiger USA and Tommy Hilfiger Europe B.V.

Tommy Hilfiger Jeans
After turning to the design of clothing by designing for the rest of his stores in upstate New York, Hilfiger moved to New York City with his now estranged wife, Susie. Although he was offered design assistant positions with designers Calvin Klein and Perry Ellis, and was broke, he turned them both down with greater plans in mind.
In 1984, he founded the Tommy Hilfiger Corporation, (NYSE:TOM), with support from The Murjani Group, which went public in 1992, introducing his signature menswear collection. By 2004 the company had 5,400 employees and revenues in excess of $1.8 billion. Hilfiger was named Menswear Designer of the Year by the Council of Fashion Designers of America in 1997.
In 1998, Hilfiger gave singer Aaliyah her endorsement deal, in which he honored her in his Summer 1998 fashion show in Jamaica.
In 2005, a CBS TV reality show called The Cut tracked the progress of sixteen contestants as they competed for a design job with Hilfiger in similar fashion to Donald Trump's The Apprentice. In the end Hilfiger chose Chris Cortez.
Largely due to declining sales, in 2006, Tommy Hilfiger sold his company for $4 billion, or $16.80 a share, to Apax Partners, a private investment company. In March 2010, Phillips-Van Heusen, owner of Calvin Klein, bought the Tommy Hilfiger Corporation for $10 billion.
Tommy Hilfiger Shoes
Tommy Hilfiger Corporation is an American company which is incorporated in Hong Kong.
A Tommy Hilfiger shop In 1989, a Hong Kong businessman Silas Chou acquired Tommy Hilfiger Corporation via Sportswear Holdings Limited, along with his partner Lawrence Stroll. Chou served as Chairman and then Co-Chairman from 1989 to 2002. In 1992, The Corporation listed in New York Stock Exchange. Later Chou sold the company, and in 2006 de-listed and privatization to Apax Partners. Phillips-Van Heusen bought the company in 2010.
Currently the company licensed the brand to it OEM company though its subsidiary Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC, which based in New Jersey. The Licensing owned the rights of the logo. Currently The Corporation also own Tommy Hilfiger USA and Tommy Hilfiger Europe B.V.
Luxury White Tommy Hilfiger High Hells
Brown Tommy Hilfiger Shoes for Men
Full Colors Tommy Hilfiger High Hells
Luxury Purple Tommy Hilfiger Shoes
Full of White Tommy Hilfiger Shoes
Tommy Hilfiger Shoes Full Colors
Great Tommy Hilfiger High Hells
Great Combination from Tommy Hilfiger Shoes
Elegant Tommy Hilfiger Shoes
Elegant Sporty Tommy Hilfiger Shoes
White Tommy Hilfiger Shoes
A Tommy Hilfiger shop In 1989, a Hong Kong businessman Silas Chou acquired Tommy Hilfiger Corporation via Sportswear Holdings Limited, along with his partner Lawrence Stroll. Chou served as Chairman and then Co-Chairman from 1989 to 2002. In 1992, The Corporation listed in New York Stock Exchange. Later Chou sold the company, and in 2006 de-listed and privatization to Apax Partners. Phillips-Van Heusen bought the company in 2010.
Currently the company licensed the brand to it OEM company though its subsidiary Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC, which based in New Jersey. The Licensing owned the rights of the logo. Currently The Corporation also own Tommy Hilfiger USA and Tommy Hilfiger Europe B.V.
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