Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquakes for the Benefit of the State

The huge earthquake in Japan yesterday caused immense damage and human death and suffering. I feel sorry for those who lives have been forever altered by this event.

Fot the rest of us... For those of us who have been merely inconvenienced, I have some thoughts on how this event, and events like it, are used by the state to justify and glorify the its existence.

I am also surprised at the lack of personal responsibillity shown by some people who seem to be unable to make decisions on what's best for themselves. They seem to have lost the individualist spirit; they need to have someone tell them what to do.

Is it safe? Is it dangerous? Is it all clear or should we run for cover? Will there be more earthquakes or are they over? The answer to all these questions is a definite "Yes!" The problem exists, I believe, when people refuse to gather all the available information and then judge the situation for themselves. They then must take responsibility and decide what is in their best interest, by themselves... Not wait for some bureaucrat sitting in some office somewhere to tell them if it's okay to wipe their noses or not.

After all, is there anyone in the world who knows better than you what's best for you? 

People today seem to have lost the ability to decide for themselves what's best. They need someone to tell them what to do and what to think.

It's a sorry state of affair for a sorry bunch of people.

I will write a longer essay about this for Lew Rockwell in the coming days.  

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