Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Summer Too Hot? Here's the USB Necktie Cooler 3
Well, the Japanese "Salary-man" is an office worker who sits at a desk all-day for long hours pushing papers... Regardless of the fact that he sees few, if any, outsiders come to his company, it wouldn't do for him to not be dressed in a suit and tie (regardless of how hot Japan's summer's get!)
What to do when slaving away at the PC for long hours during the day? Why, a USB necktie with a cooling fan built in, of course!
Here's Thanko Corporation's "USB Necktie Cooler 3"! The perfect gift for that salary-man of yours or that salary-man living inside of all of us!
What to do when slaving away at the PC for long hours during the day? Why, a USB necktie with a cooling fan built in, of course!
Here's Thanko Corporation's "USB Necktie Cooler 3"! The perfect gift for that salary-man of yours or that salary-man living inside of all of us!
It took Thanko‘s star engineers over two years, but I bet the work was worth it: after showing you the USB Necktie Cooler 2 back in June 2008, the Tokyo-based USB gadget maker now presents, you guessed it, the USB Necktie Cooler 3 [JP]. The silliness just doesn’t stop, it seems.
It’s basically a silk necktie with a plastic fan built into the tie’s knot. Just plug the thing into a USB port (the cable is 135cm long) and use the switch to turn the fan on and feel cooler instantly. If you want to use the tie on the go, get the optional battery pack holding four AAA batteries. As far as I can see, there are no major differences between version 2 and 3 (apart from the design of the tie).
Thanko is offering the USB Necktie Cooler 3 to Japanese customers only, but if you’re interested, you can ask specialized store The Japan Trend Shop for import help (the store currently sellsversion 2 for $88).
Monday, August 30, 2010
Highly Credible UFO Footage from Japan
From All News Web UFO / Paranormal
Original Link: http://www.allnewsweb.com/page1199999415.php
Highly credible UFO video from Japan surfaces
Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb.com
Perhaps due to the fact that more people are carrying better quality camera phones or perhaps because visiting aliens are becoming more bold in terms of interacting with humanity as possible open alien contact draws nearer, the quality of new UFO footage over the last months has been better than ever.
This UFO clip below from Japan is one of the most convincing pieces of footage i have seen. The sighting occurred around a month ago. Unless someone debunks this video I would say it is conclusive proof that information about all the craft flying overhead is being withheld from the public.
The comments of the witnesses seem genuine and one can sense real surprise in their voices as they exclaim that 'it must be some kind of UFO'. This UFO video is a must see. UFOs are commonly seen in Japan and interest in alien / extraterrestrial subjects widespread. No official disclosure of UFO files has, however, occurred in Japan as of yet.
Original Link: http://www.allnewsweb.com/page1199999415.php
Dress Fashion 2010

Marketing Japan: Alper Kul's "Only a Bomb to Nagasaki?"
By Mike in Tokyo Rogers
I have found a wonderfully done musical piece that has been edited to video for you by an artist named Alper Kul. Alper Kul is from Turkey and he works with electronic musical instruments such as the piano.
Just today, Alper Kul uploaded a fine work that I am proud to introduce to you. It is called "Only a Bomb to Nagasaki?" and is simply beautiful and powerful a the same time.
It brought great emotions and tears to my eyes. Please watch this and enjoy!
It is true that some of the scenes are Hiroshima and not Nagasaki but I think that doesn't detract one bit from the message and the beautiful music. I expect to be hearing more from Alper Kul in the future.
Alper Kul has a Facebook page here. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alper-KUL/56674797346?v=wall
His Alper Kul Myspace is here.
If you write to him, tell him Mike in Tokyo Rogers sent you.
Keywords: Alper Kul, Atomic bomb, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, World War II, Facebook, Myspace, Marketing Japan, Mike Rogers, Mike in Tokyo Rogers
I have found a wonderfully done musical piece that has been edited to video for you by an artist named Alper Kul. Alper Kul is from Turkey and he works with electronic musical instruments such as the piano.
Artist/composer Alper Kul
Just today, Alper Kul uploaded a fine work that I am proud to introduce to you. It is called "Only a Bomb to Nagasaki?" and is simply beautiful and powerful a the same time.
It brought great emotions and tears to my eyes. Please watch this and enjoy!
It is true that some of the scenes are Hiroshima and not Nagasaki but I think that doesn't detract one bit from the message and the beautiful music. I expect to be hearing more from Alper Kul in the future.
Alper Kul has a Facebook page here. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alper-KUL/56674797346?v=wall
His Alper Kul Myspace is here.
If you write to him, tell him Mike in Tokyo Rogers sent you.
Keywords: Alper Kul, Atomic bomb, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, World War II, Facebook, Myspace, Marketing Japan, Mike Rogers, Mike in Tokyo Rogers
Alper Kul,
Atomic bomb,
World War II
Marketing Japan: The Japan of Free Enterprise
Yesterday, I received some brilliant commentary about Japan by economic expert Marc Abela about the Time Lapse Journey Through Japan post that I thought I'd share with you.
It is just one more reason why Japan experienced such high economic growth until recently (when the Bank of Japan and Japanese government decided to interfere):
"Japan was up until very recently one rare and beautiful battalion of free enterprise, liberal thinking, private property and private responsibility, not just your name, but your whole family name directly on your brand, Honda-san, Matsushita-san, Suzuki-san, Toyota-san, with free customers roaming around and simply picking the favorite amongst a sea of different products to be found on the market, it was competition at its best... and if people didn't like you, no-one there to use violence, you just go through periods where the group decides to ostracize you at best/worst... Rothbard would have loved this country." - Marc Abela
You can contact Marc Abela through Facebook.
Here's an addendum:
Allow me to push the argument a little further - men who row and fish on the outside of the boat (private sector) find it more and more difficult to feed a whole family, while men sitting in the middle of the boat (public sector) vegetablize themselves (sou-shoku-kei?) and grow in proportion, in the process slowing every day a little bit more the speed of the whole boat and making it more and more difficult for the private sector to row to keep the boat afloat and fish to feed all in the middle. Due to the lack of competition in the public sector and the over amount of competition in the private sector, most men loose their edge and/or their talent, and as a direct result, women tend to less trust men on a general social basis and find themselves choosing to work directly to provide for their own income. This translates into fewer kids per family, less couples, women wanting out of the system, more and more men not buildi ng up the strength to be able to support and feed a wife along with 3? 5? or even more kids, etc etc... A lot of people in Japan think that Chinese service is of a lesser quality, just because... well, just because, people there, are, well, see, they are "Chinese". Nothing to do with the geography or nationality if you ask anyone rational. People in China just spent decades bathing in a socially corrupt environment with tons of central planning and rotted ideas "a la" Mao - so the "social structure" was "the only" reason why Chinese are on average less up-to-date with "quality service" than some of their Japanese counterparts who have been used to "private competition". But the Chinese have been catching up (big time) in speed (at least since the end of the cultural revolution around 1976). Same with the Soviet Union. Many think the Soviet Union fell just because - well, see, it's easy, Soviet failed cause they were all... Russians. At least that's how most school bo! oks will almost attempt to portray things. Funny how so many today still think all they need to do is simply replace Lenine with someone smart and eloquent like Ozawa or with Obama to make it all work. Lenine spoke 7 languages. Not sure how many Obama & Ozawa speak but I bet the number is a tiny bit closer to... 1?
"Japan was up until very recently one rare and beautiful battalion of free enterprise, liberal thinking, private property and private responsibility, not just your name, but your whole family name directly on your brand, Honda-san, Matsushita-san, Suzuki-san, Toyota-san, with free customers roaming around and simply picking the favorite amongst a sea of different products to be found on the market, it was competition at its best... and if people didn't like you, no-one there to use violence, you just go through periods where the group decides to ostracize you at best/worst... Rothbard would have loved this country." - Marc Abela
You can contact Marc Abela through Facebook.
Here's an addendum:
Allow me to push the argument a little further - men who row and fish on the outside of the boat (private sector) find it more and more difficult to feed a whole family, while men sitting in the middle of the boat (public sector) vegetablize themselves (sou-shoku-kei?) and grow in proportion, in the process slowing every day a little bit more the speed of the whole boat and making it more and more difficult for the private sector to row to keep the boat afloat and fish to feed all in the middle. Due to the lack of competition in the public sector and the over amount of competition in the private sector, most men loose their edge and/or their talent, and as a direct result, women tend to less trust men on a general social basis and find themselves choosing to work directly to provide for their own income. This translates into fewer kids per family, less couples, women wanting out of the system, more and more men not buildi ng up the strength to be able to support and feed a wife along with 3? 5? or even more kids, etc etc... A lot of people in Japan think that Chinese service is of a lesser quality, just because... well, just because, people there, are, well, see, they are "Chinese". Nothing to do with the geography or nationality if you ask anyone rational. People in China just spent decades bathing in a socially corrupt environment with tons of central planning and rotted ideas "a la" Mao - so the "social structure" was "the only" reason why Chinese are on average less up-to-date with "quality service" than some of their Japanese counterparts who have been used to "private competition". But the Chinese have been catching up (big time) in speed (at least since the end of the cultural revolution around 1976). Same with the Soviet Union. Many think the Soviet Union fell just because - well, see, it's easy, Soviet failed cause they were all... Russians. At least that's how most school bo! oks will almost attempt to portray things. Funny how so many today still think all they need to do is simply replace Lenine with someone smart and eloquent like Ozawa or with Obama to make it all work. Lenine spoke 7 languages. Not sure how many Obama & Ozawa speak but I bet the number is a tiny bit closer to... 1?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Time Travel: Listen to Tokyo Rose from August 1944
By Mike in Tokyo Rogers
The dog days of summer end tomorrow here in Japan... August is finished. Of course, every year in August, the surrender of Japan in World War II is celebrated... With it the war crimes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are also remembered....
I was searching through the Internet Archive for something to commemorate this time - but from a different perspective - and I found these recordings of Tokyo Rose.
Contrary to what people believe, Tokyo Rose was not just one person. Tokyo Rose was about a dozen different girls broadcasting under the name of Tokyo Rose. The most famous was Iva Toguri D'Aquino.
From Wikipedia:
Toguri called herself "Orphan Ann," she quickly became identified with the moniker "Tokyo Rose", a name that was coined by Allied soldiers and that predated her broadcasts. After the Japanese defeat, Toguri was detained for a year by the U.S. military before being released for lack of evidence.
I think it is absurd to think that some girl on the radio would really know any secret information about Allied troop movements or anything else for that matter. Just like people today... People need a job.
The madness of war! One would hope that we'd learn someday... But judging from what is going on right at this moment... I guess we won't.
Anyway, for your enjoyment and for a short trip into the past, here's some recordings of Iva Toguri D'Aquino... The famous Tokyo Rose.
From the Internet Archive: http://www.archive.org/details/TokyoRose
Mike in Tokyo, Marketing Japan, Iva Toguri D'Aquino, Tokyo Rose, Mike Rogers, Orphan Ann, Mike in Tokyo Rogers
The dog days of summer end tomorrow here in Japan... August is finished. Of course, every year in August, the surrender of Japan in World War II is celebrated... With it the war crimes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are also remembered....
I was searching through the Internet Archive for something to commemorate this time - but from a different perspective - and I found these recordings of Tokyo Rose.
Iva Toguri D'Aquino
Contrary to what people believe, Tokyo Rose was not just one person. Tokyo Rose was about a dozen different girls broadcasting under the name of Tokyo Rose. The most famous was Iva Toguri D'Aquino.
From Wikipedia:
Toguri called herself "Orphan Ann," she quickly became identified with the moniker "Tokyo Rose", a name that was coined by Allied soldiers and that predated her broadcasts. After the Japanese defeat, Toguri was detained for a year by the U.S. military before being released for lack of evidence.
I think it is absurd to think that some girl on the radio would really know any secret information about Allied troop movements or anything else for that matter. Just like people today... People need a job.
The madness of war! One would hope that we'd learn someday... But judging from what is going on right at this moment... I guess we won't.
Anyway, for your enjoyment and for a short trip into the past, here's some recordings of Iva Toguri D'Aquino... The famous Tokyo Rose.
From the Internet Archive: http://www.archive.org/details/TokyoRose
Mike in Tokyo, Marketing Japan, Iva Toguri D'Aquino, Tokyo Rose, Mike Rogers, Orphan Ann, Mike in Tokyo Rogers

Marketing Japan: A Sense of Humor Helps!
By Mike in Tokyo Rogers
Depending on what you are selling, I think a sense of humor can go a long way... OK, maybe it's not so good for a funeral parlor, but, I think in many instances, humor can help you get your name out to the public.
Take this great low-cost South African airline that I stumbled upon. The name's Kulula and they've even put their brand of humor on their planes!
Not only does Kulula put their humor on the planes, they even use humor to make the inflight experience more fun. Check these entertaining announcements out:
On a Kulula flight, (there is no assigned seating, you just sit where you want) passengers were apparently having a hard time choosing, when a flight attendant announced, “People, people we’re not picking out furniture here, find a seat and get in it!”
On another flight with a very “senior” flight attendant crew, the pilot said, “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached cruising altitude and will be turning down the cabin lights. This is for your comfort and to enhance the appearance of your flight attendants.”
On landing, the stewardess said, “Please be sure to take all of your belongings.. If you’re going to leave anything, please make sure it’s something we’d like to have.”
“There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane.”
I think this is wonderful. But, like I said, make sure that the service or product is solid and then this works. I also think that being able to have a sense of humor makes the experience better for everyone; customers and staff included which point to a better company culture. This will just lead to a better, more profitable company.
Cheers for Kulula Airlines!
Kulula Airlines URL: https://www.kulula.com/
Orignal Article: http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2010/08/28/an-airline-with-a-sense-of-humor/
More humor: http://www.southafrica.to/transport/Airlines/Kulula-flights/Kulula-humour.php5
Keywords: Humor, airlines, Kulula, South Africa
I think this is wonderful. But, like I said, make sure that the service or product is solid and then this works. I also think that being able to have a sense of humor makes the experience better for everyone; customers and staff included which point to a better company culture. This will just lead to a better, more profitable company.
Cheers for Kulula Airlines!
Kulula Airlines URL: https://www.kulula.com/
Orignal Article: http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2010/08/28/an-airline-with-a-sense-of-humor/
More humor: http://www.southafrica.to/transport/Airlines/Kulula-flights/Kulula-humour.php5
Keywords: Humor, airlines, Kulula, South Africa
Marketing Japan: What Will Happen to Tokyo Tower?
By Mike in Tokyo Rogers
I just got a photo sent to me of the new Sky Tree Tower that is nearing completion in Tokyo. The Sky Tree Tower was originally to be called the "New Tokyo Tower" but Tokyo Tower owners did not like that at all and protested so the name was rejected. You'll understand why when you've finished reading this article.
I just got a photo sent to me of the new Sky Tree Tower that is nearing completion in Tokyo. The Sky Tree Tower was originally to be called the "New Tokyo Tower" but Tokyo Tower owners did not like that at all and protested so the name was rejected. You'll understand why when you've finished reading this article.
Tokyo Sky Tree
The project is being led by Tobu Railway and a group of six terrestrial broadcasters (headed by public broadcaster NHK). Construction of the tower is scheduled to be completed by December 2011, with the public opening in spring 2012.
The Tokyo Sky Tree will be taking over basically all of the broadcasting duties for all major Tokyo broadcasting stations. This is because the Tokyo Tower, which was built in 1958, is not tall enough to handle digital duties as there are too many tall buildings around it. Tokyo Tower is 333 meters tall and a landmark of Japan. The Sky Tree tower is almost twice as tall at 638 meters! The Sky Tree not only dwarfs the Tokyo Tower in height but will also dwarf it in revenue. Tokyo Tower has been losing money for years now, I think Sky Tree will be the final nail in the coffin. (Read more about the digital conversion and how that will kill off some major Japanese broadcasting stations here and here.)
According to Wikipedia, the Tokyo Tower's main sources of revenue are antenna leasing for broadcasting stations and tourism. They claim that over 150 million people have visited the tower since its completion.
Considering that the Tokyo Tower is vey conveniently located in Tokyo, near tourist trap Roppongi, they might still be able to do some tourism business, but I think that's a pretty poor business for them. The last time I went there, the shops were deserted and the place definitely felt run-down.
I also heard some insider information about Tokyo Tower management that I wasn't supposed to tell to anyone, so I will write it down here for you. In the 1980, during the massive growth that was the Japanese bubble economy, the management of Tokyo Tower put millions and millions of dollars into very poor investments and now those bad investments have come back to bite them in the ass. Some of the worst - and stupidest - investments were spending tens of millions of dollars on, are you ready for it? Investments in golf club memberships!
In the heyday of the bubble, people would buy golf club memberships as investments, and many made good money off of them. But, as with any Ponzi scheme, when the scam runs out of suckers, the ones left holding the bag lose their shirts. Unfortunately for them, it seems that Tokyo Tower was one of the last into the game so they were left holding millions of bags.
Now those investments are now worthless.
I hate to keep saying doom and gloom for many Tokyo companies but, once again, I predict that after the digital conversion in July, 2011, Tokyo Tower will be insolvent within a very short time.
Who knows what will happen to it after that? One thing is certain, in future Godzilla movies, you won't be seeing Godzilla kicking over Tokyo Tower anymore. It will be Sky Tree... And in that symbolism there will be volumes spoken about what has happened to Tokyo and Tokyo Tower.
Keywords: Tokyo, Tokyo Tower, Marketing Japan, Mike Rogers, Sky Tree, Tokyo Sky Tree, Mike in Tokyo Rogers
Saturday, August 28, 2010
2010 Wool Winter Olympic Hat Canada
Marketing Japan: Japan Sunday Bizarreness! Darth Vader & Giant Squid on Train!
By Mike in Tokyo Rogers!
Great ideas come from getting out of the rut and going out and seeing and doing things that widen your horizons. That's why, today, I'm starting a new Sunday series called, "Japan Sunday Bizarreness!" It's just going to be short tidbits of weird stuff I've found in Japan that I hope you get a kick out of. Hopefully, they can help you to think of good ways to promote or market your product or service.
Great ideas come from getting out of the rut and going out and seeing and doing things that widen your horizons. That's why, today, I'm starting a new Sunday series called, "Japan Sunday Bizarreness!" It's just going to be short tidbits of weird stuff I've found in Japan that I hope you get a kick out of. Hopefully, they can help you to think of good ways to promote or market your product or service.
Two guys were riding a train and they were going to work to do some sort of promotion. Who knows what? But they decided to have some fun and one guy crouched behind the giant squid while the other took his photo. Maybe a possible good idea for a promotion? Hmmm?
This was a while back, but I just found it. They had a kids night at baseball to get youngsters more interested in the sport. I hear that young kids no longer are interested in Star Wars (tell that to my 6-year-old!) and are into Poke-Mon, but this is an interesting idea too...
Okay, while we're at it... for all you Star Wars fans... This one about Darth Vader in Japan is pretty funny.
This next photo is at a McDonald's in Japan. It looks like these kids are between, or before, a performance for school or something. Interesting...
It's definitely fall or winter... You could never wear that mask during summer in Japan! Too hot!
Finally! I found a great place to study Japanese for free and it's on Youtube of all places! Youtube has an entire section of old Japanese fairy tales that you can watch. Studying animations on TV was how I learned to speak Japanese. I think it is a great way. Here's how:
1) Watch the videos over and over.
2) Record the sound to your MP3 player or cassette. Listen repeatedly.
3) Write down the entire text in a notebook.
4) Get a Japanese speaker to help you learn the text by heart.
The Youtube site is called まんが日本昔ばなし (Manga, Japan's Ancient Stories). The Youtube site is here. The level is easy so it's a great place to start. I've embedded one here for your enjoyment.
This great site was introduced to me by my good friend Leon Tsunehiro Yu-Tsu Tai. Thanks Leon!
Have a great weekend! Comment or write to me sometime!
Keywords, Star Wars, Darth Vader, Mike Rogers, Squid, McDonald's, Marketing, Marketing Japan, Manga, Youtube, photos, Manga, Mike in Tokyo Rogers, Manga, Japan's Ancient Stories, Ancient stories
Darth Vader,
Japan's Ancient Stories,
Star Wars,
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