Sunday, September 5, 2010

NHK Public TV Featuring Women's Cleavage!?

By Mike in Tokyo Rogers
My favorite online magazine about the real Japan, the Tokyo Reporter, comes through once again!

I keep harping on at this blog about how Japan's main terrestrial TV stations are in big trouble coming up here next July 24, 2011, when they make the switch over to digital broadcasting. But one other thing that has been noticeable is how public broadcasting station NHK has been making programs recently that raise eyebrows.

George William's newest NHK English show, "Moo Moo Family" (Sundays at 17:50 pm) where he plays the part of a Glam Rock star from England who never made it in the music business so now he is a milk delivery man is one fine example; George wears wild makeup and looks like Freddie Mercury or T-Rex... We've been calling George, "G-Rex."

George Williams

Now, Tokyo Reporter has found a story from Asahi Geino that is much more racy than that! According to Asahi Geino, NHK is now going for viewers by talking about women's breasts and showing them how to improve their breast size and cleavage!

Cover of Asahi Geino


From Tokyo Reporter:

While public broadcaster NHK is regarded as a conservative channel, Shukkan Asahi Geino (Sep. 9) reports that it has been broadcasting some sexually-charged programming of late.
The August 22 airing of “Tokyo Kawaii TV,” a program dedicated to female fashion, focused (quite literally) on cleavage. The program was designed to empower women, informing them on various methods for presenting their chests when they wear bikinis. The program kicked off with interviews of girls at Shonan Beach. It probably goes without saying that the camera was primarily positioned below the neck area.

Once again, leave it to Tokyo Reporter to show you what is really going on in Japan from the point of view of the average Japanese and not from some foreigner... Tokyo Reporter is a must!


Mike in Tokyo Rogers, Tokyo Reporter, Breast, Mike Rogers, sex, breast size, cleavage, Marketing Japan

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